Guided meditation

Meditation for wellbeing

‘I am me’ affirmations for calm and confidence

Unlock your potential and move towards a more confident and calmer you.


Making time for ourselves allows us to get to know what is aligned to our true self and for our light to shine bright when we have more confidence and courage in our lives.

I believe that it is by doing the work within that we can change ourselves and the world around us. And I can relate to this because I have been there. 


Hi. I am Danielle Street, mindset and mindfulness mentor and published author. I work with women to help them find clarity and confidence, taking courageous action to be seen and heard and live the life they desire.


I have lovingly created these ‘I am me’ affirmations to help you step into more confidence and embrace even more of who you are meant to be.

“When we are in a peaceful ‘alpha’ state, we are more receptive to opportunities. During meditation, relaxing the mind and being in the moment can help you to become more magnetic to new possibilities and attract more of what you desire.”

I invite you to repeat the affirmations so that the words resonate with you to create new neural pathways to a calmer and more confident you.


These affirmations are even more powerful if you visualise yourself saying them whether to yourself or out loud and can help you to:

You might like to have a pen and paper beside you to write down any insights you have during this guided meditation.


Important: Please do not listen to this meditation while driving or operating machinery.